Wednesday, December 28, 2005

P.E. Teachers Summer Arnis Training

"NARAPHIL P.E. Teachers Summer Advance Arnis Training"
Tacurong National High School
Tacurong, Sultan Kudarat
(28-30 April 1979)

Graduation Rites
"Participants of the NARAPHIL Summer Advance Arnis Course"
Tacurong, Sultan Kudarat

Dr. Leo Estepa awarding some of the top graduates

NARAPHIL Chief Instructor (1979-1985)
delivering his Recessional Remarks

NARAPHIL Instructor Dr. Leo Estepa with the
participants doing their return demonstration

NARAPHIL Arnis GM Florentino "Tino" Pecate
showing some of the advance arnis technique to the

participants (Corto techniques).

GM Florentino Pecate and NARAPHIL Chief Instructor
Fernando Vinculado showing some demonstration on
largo techniques in arnis.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

P.E. Teachers Summer Arnis Training

NARAPHIL Instructor Fernando Vinculado
supervises their arnis training

"NARAPHIL P.E. Teachers Summer Basic Arnis Course"
San Miguel National High School
San Miguel, Bulacan

NARAPHIL Chief Instructor Carlito Benito (1975-1979)
leading their arnis training

"NARAPHIL P.E. Teachers Summer Basic Arnis Course"
Vigan House, Nayong Pilipino
Pasay City

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Training with the Arnis Grandmasters

Arnis Grandmasters namely:
GM Benjamin Lema, GM Florentino Pecate,
GM Jose Mena, GM Antonio Ilustrisimo and GM Ciriaco Cañete

In 1977, there was a massive influx of NARAPHIL membership in all level of the society nationwide because of the establishment of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development which supported the "Siglakas Project". Included in this sports project was the introduction of arnis to all level of the society nationwide even in farflung areas, from Tuguegarao to Jolo and all cities, provinces and schools.

Arnis awareness became massive that prompted the NARAPHIL hierarchy to fast track their "Trainers Program" and adopt a better program upgrading their teaching capability through a series of training modules. The demand for quality instructors has expanded the Corps to 230 instructors that need further orientation, training and teaching expertise.

One of the training modules was the "Training with the NARAPHIL Grandmasters". Only five of the NARAPHIL grandmasters were able to render their services and it was an honor and rare opportunity for the Corps for their training. This was one of the initial projects of Dir. Romeo Mascardo (NARAPHIL Executive Director) and Mr. Fernando Vinculado who assumed the position of the NARAPHIL Chief Instructor Corps (1979-1985).

The project was to help the corps appreciate and give them insights on the different styles of this grandmasters and help them preserve their legacy and flourish.

"Arnis Instructors Training Course"
05-11 June 1979

NCI Class-1 participants
with NARAPHIL Chief Instructor Fernando Vinculado

NARAPHIL Corps of Instructors
Undergoing arnis training from the five NARAPHIL
arnis grandmasters.

NCI Class-1 participants with GM Benjamin Lema
Gymnastics Gymnasium, Rizal Memorial Sports Complex
Vito Cruz, Manila

5-11 June 1979

Friday, December 16, 2005

Kabataang Barangay (KB) Arnis Training

"Training the youth with their Legacy"

In 1976, the youth organization (Kabataang Barangay) created by Presidential daughter - Imee Marcos, came into full swing with their series of training in Mount Makiling, Los Baños, Laguna.

NARAPHIL was tapped in to render their physical fitness training program using their arnis expertise for their 45 days In-house training. Forty-six of the senior instructors were called in to render their services in three separate groups with two weeks per rotation so as not to hamper their academic studies and work.

Arnis was later adopted by the "Kabataang Barangay" as the standard physical conditioning program. They later brought in to their respective communities and gave impetus to their tanod to do the same. From them, the Barangay Tanod followed the KB program and incorporated it to their training modules now as a means of self-defense and physical conditioning.

The series of event has led to the promotion of arnis awareness to their respective communities and the rest is history .........

KB participants practices their double Sinawali
technique. An alternative physical conditioning
art for the youth.

Kabataang Barangay (KB) Arnis Training
Amoranto Sports Complex, Quezon City


Thursday, December 15, 2005

NARAPHIL Corps of Instructors

"Leadership Training"
5-9 June 1980
Pampanga Agricultural College
Magalang, Pamganga

The second part of their training was the "Leadership Training" under the auspices of the MYSD and NARAPHIL. Incorporated in that training was not only being a role model of a leader but in the management of clubs, planning and strategies.

Their physical conditioning did not only consists of training in arnis but with the other kind of martial arts - karate, judo, aikido, kung-fu and taekwondo. All instructors were then required to at least undergo two other martial arts to qualify for the Senior Instructor level and complete the five modules.

Course Instructors - Bing Vinculado, Boboy Herras,
Ed Paz and Maj. Leonardo Maddela (Ret.)
28 of the 36 participants

NARAPHIL Exec. Director and Course Director
(Dir. Romeo C. Mascardo) conducting one of the
series of "Leadership Training" lectures.

Chief Instructor Bing Vinculado conducting
the arnis training.

Training the Barangay Tanod

"The Barangay Tanod Brigade and NARAPHIL"

The inclusion of arnis training with the Barangay Tanod in 1977 and later adopting it as their means of self-defense and physical conditioning in their respective barangay has contributed a lot for the massive increase of membership to the organization. NARAPHIL was able to train the 25,000 strong Metro-Manila Barangay Tanod Brigade and they also contributed to the manpower resources for the NARAPHIL Corps of Instructors.

In 1979, the Metro-Manila Barangay Tanod Arnis Association was finally organized under the leadership of Maj. Leonardo Maddela (Ret.). Adjacent provinces and cities adopted the program of the MMBTAA and requested for more instructors to their respective barangay.

"Metro-Manila Barangay Tanod Arnis Training"

A demonstration by some of the Tanod Arnis Trainers
infront of the NARAPHIL Central Office parking lot.

NARAPHIL Corps of Instructor Chief
(Fernando M. Vinculado)
showing some of the Unarmed Defense technique

A return demonstration of the participants
"Metro-Manila Barangay Tanod Arnis Training Course"
Class - 3 (1978-1979)

NARAPHIL Chief Instructor Fernando Vinculado with
MMBT Arnis Association President Maj. Leonardo Maddela (Ret.)
showing some of the technique to the participants of Class Batch #3

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

NARAPHIL Central Office
(Current Office and Gymnasium)
28 Narra Street, Aniban I Subdivision
Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines 4102
Tel. #: (63046) 417-5078

2004 Officiating Workshop Seminar Participants
NARAPHIL Central Office
Bacoor, Cavite

2002 Induction of NARAPHIL-NCR Officers
Harrison Plaza, Vito Cruz, Manila

NARAPHIL Central Office
Track and Football Stadium
Rizal Memorial Sports Complex
Vito Cruz, Manila, Philippines

Dr. Leo Estepa conducting lectures to RMSC Club members
Conference Room NARAPHIL Central Office

NARAPHIL Staff and RMSC Arnis Club members

Monday, December 12, 2005

NARAPHIL Satellite Offices
and Training Areas

Amoranto Sports Complex
Martial Arts Gymnasium
Roxas District, Quezon City

NARAPHIL Sattelite Office
Cebu House, Nayong Pilipino

NARAPHIL Training Gym
Bacolod House, Nayong Pilipino

Bacolod House Ground
Nayong Pilipino, Pasay City