Tribute to the Living legacies of arnis .......
In 1989, the NARAPHIL Board approved the project proposal of Dr. Leo Estepa (NPAC Executive Director) to stage the Grandmasters Cup Arnis Tournament to honor the “Living legacies” of arnis.
Out of the nine NARAPHIL grandmasters only three heeded the call for it and launched the project in cooperation with the Nayong Pilipino Foundation, Inc., Liping Maharlika Inc., Nayong Pilipino Arnis Club and some private corporations like Del Bros, U-Freight and individual kindhearted persons.
It was planned as a biennial tournament in addition to the annual national team tournament of NARAPHIL. The three grandmasters were: GM Benjamin L. Lema, GM Jose G. Mena and GM Antonio Ilustrisimo.

2nd "Mang Nonoy" Mena Grandmaster's Cup
Arnis Tournament
(March 1993)

Arnis Tournament
(September 1992)

Arnis Tournament
(August 1991)

Arnis Trounament
(December 1991)

"The Legacy left by our forebears .......... shall run into the blood of the generations to come"
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