NARAPHIL and FMA Festival 2006 ..... part 2
"PHILMAT 1st Generation
(3rd FMA Festival)
July 20, 2006
The Liping Maharlika, which financially supports this troupe, will go a long way of fully creating the PHILMAT Generation II. Currently there are sixteen members of the troupe and hopefully will be able to expand in a year time into 42-man team to fill-up the necessary numbers for an hour show anywhere.

Liping Maharlika President
joins presentation
Capt. Rick Sarte, Liping Maharlika President and Manager of Pearl Grace Shipmanagement Corp., augments the PHILMAT Generation II presentation together with his old sparring partner and a bank manager, Rene Fernandez, for a "Larong Maharlika" number which they have been doing during their heydays with the PHILMAT. Truly they are an example of the "Arnis Ilustrados"!

Although both gentlemen are very busy with their positions and businesses, they still find time to help in promoting their love for arnis. Mr. Rene Fernandez is the NARAPHIL Treasurer and also a gold medalist in "Karate Kata" during his days in 1973.
Both are pioneeriing members of NARAPHIL since 1975. They have served in different occasions for arnis promotion as sports specialist of the "Siglakas Project" and "Gintong Alay". Their enormous experience in managing groups and planning have place them of what they are now in their own field of endeavor.
Their only objective is to show these young turks of what they can achieve in their lives if they will put their hearts into it and be guided accordingly. There is no limit to the fulfillment of ones dream if all the doors of opportunity are open for their taking. Because they believe that "life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation".
joins the PHILMAT Generation II
Cmdt. Jun Martinada, NARAPHIL Secretary General and also school CAT Commandant of San Beda College of Alabang, augments the PHILMAT Generation II with a finale number using the bladed weapon - the Kali. Together with his sparring partner Mr. Reynaldo Postrado, also the Liaison Officer of NARAPHIL and senior instructor, gave the closing number with their awesome skill in the use of bladed weapon.
Like Capt. Sarte and Rene Fernandez, Cmdt. Jun Martinada was also member of the first generation PHILMAT but came later in 1976 when PHILMAT was being organized. He served the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development based in Region III in San Fernando, Pampanga as sports specialist and also the "Siglakas Project".
His assigment in Pampanga generated a lot of arnis activity throughout Region III that eventually culminated with the establishment of the NARAPHIL Regional chapter in 1980.

He is an exceptionally example of a hardworking athlete, who needs to work in order to survive and study, and yet find enough time to devote his leisure time for arnis. Now a fulfilled teacher and ideal family man, he still find time to share his expertise to the young turks for his family time. He believes "Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing".

So young turks listen to the wisdom of your instructors and emulate of what they have achieved in their life. They have inequities but follow the good things they have taught you. You create your own future and name, they only open the avenues for you to pass. Let other bestow the fame on you and not you bestow your own name.

These are only some of the things that we want to share with you - Young turks of NARAPHIL. So train well and polish your skills that you may attain excellence in your arnis!
"Eyes provide sight. Heart provides insight."