Eulogy to an Arnis Master:
“Mang Lino”
By: Meneleo E. Estepa, MD
This page is whole heartedly dedicated to our Fallen Comrade in arnis “Mang Lino” who dedicated his life in pursuit of arnis promotion.
Master Rizalino "Mang Lino " Estacio
(Arnis Master)
Master Rizalino “Mang Lino” Estacio has been a long time advocator of arnis long before I came to learn the art. I met him 25 years ago as one of the avid follower of Grandmaster Benjamin L. Lema (who also passed away 2003). He was one of the original members of the Lightning Scientific Arnis International founded by GM Benjamin Lema.
Though he seems frail, don’t be deceived of his looks because he is fast as “Mang Ben”, a real “Lightning” worthy to be called of. Like his master he developed the personality of kindness and a loyalty to his master ……… and …..……. a true gentleman worthy of being an Arnisador.
He has served NARAPHIL as member of the Board (2004-2006) with dedication and loyalty even in times of our hardships; he shared that spirit to move on and never left us for any other reasons. He was the leading advocator of the LSAI - Tipas Chapter and later renamed it L.E.M.A. (Lino Estacio Martial Arts) Arnis Club, after the death of GM Ben Lema. It has been a big loss for our existence to loose a person like him. We cannot ask him for more, for the things he has contributed and done for NARAPHIL, but we can offer him our perpetual prayer for his parting.
“Mang Lino” we salute and hope that these generations of arnisadors will follow your exemplenary dedication to our cause as a true Gentleman and Arnisador!

Happy are the days when we talked of our dreams that someday our mission to this world come to a halt because the chance our Creator has given us has reached the end of the highway. But you never gave up because you believed that someone will carry the torch you have shared and the ideals you persevered and preserved. Like our forebears, they never cease the spirit to move on to the next level in your life - eternal enlightenment.
We know that you are happy of where you are and we will keep on burning the torch you have passed unto us and also hoped to passed it on to the generations to come.
Like these children that surrounds you when we were Training in Nagcarlan, you were an exemplenary idol for them in hope that they may follow the goodness of your foot steps. Surely they will miss you, so am I, but the spirit will move on because you are the catalyst for them.
When the Christmas Season came, you were there. You add frolicsome to the party with odd jokes and shared the spirit with us. Our children adored you specially the way you dress yourself - always "dress to kill". We never find a moment of lullness in your smile even though you have big problems ahead of you. We know you are firm and strong to face them ahead, that's what we admire most.
When we needed your services and companionship, you were always there to lend a hand. You never missed any occasion that NARAPHIL had except probably when you were ill or your wife gave birth. Your consistency and firm decisions always gave credence to the fight without question or remorse. You have proven them that you were really a Gentleman and a real Arnisador!!!
On behalf of the Officers and Staff of NARAPHIL, we salute you and thanks for all the things you've shared with us. Your memories shall always remain in our hearts. God bless you!
Master "Mang Lino" Estacio
(NARAPHIL Board 2004-2006)