The NARAPHIL Official training sticks!
"Symbol of Excellence in their art"

"The Official training sticks"
by Manong
The rattan cane is the most ideal and cheapest stick adopted in playing arnis. Ideal because of its lightness in weight, durability, sturdiness and flexibility. It has a tough skin which accounts for its durability and sturdiness. Its fibrous body makes it flexible and light in weight. The greater the number of nodes or the smaller the internodes of a rattan cane, the sturdier and less flexible it becomes, and the better the quality of the cane for playing.
Probably there is no other group who is more meticulous than NARAPHIL in discovering things in pursuit of attaining excellence. Such were the first hand-crafted made arnis sticks in which a very symbolical art was etched in the handle of the rattan stick. Every stick is a work of art taken from the finest poles of rattan later meticulously selected for the purpose of hand-crafting and refined in a high quality gloss paint finish.
Today it is exported world-wide for collector's items only and usually of limited stocks for exclusive use of members or sometimes given as token of gratitude to honor people and their friends. However, they accept also request from some other groups to engrave their ensignia at the hilt of their sticks.
Truly they are people of so many talents and creativity who loves to discover new horizons in pursuit of excellence in their art.

Note the close-up view to vividly illustrate the high quality of craftsmanship and materials comparable to an artist with his painting.

"One Arnis; One Philippines"
by AAI
Thanks for the compliment.
God speed.
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