NARAPHIL ........ the next generation!
"Young turks graduate"
by Capt Rick Sarte
The Liping Maharlika of Bacoor, a Chapter of NARAPHIL, has recently held a commencement exercise for their members who finished their one year Basic Arnis Course inside the school of Little Angels Learning School in Aniban I Subdivision of Bacoor.
Only eighteen aspirants finished the program and hopefully it will double-up next school year. These young aspirants will also be auditioning to the PHILMAT Generation II, the cultural performing arm of NARAPHIL. With the strict guidance from their arnis masters, these young aspirants will hopefully someday become leaders of this organization.
The continuous support of their parents, the Little Angels Learning School administration and the primary sponsor (Chief Engr. Zaldie Franco) will surely attain our goal of establishing the next generation of the PHILMAT.
LM of Bacoor
"Graduation Rites"
25 March 2006
Little Angels Learning School
Aniban I Subdivision, Bacoor, Cavite

The Graduates

The graduates with thier chief instructor Rey Postrado

Ladies and gentlemen, may we have the honor of presenting you the first batch of the Liping Maharlika of Bacoor Arnis Club - "Batch Maliksi 2006". They have successfully passed the Basic Arnis Course given last February at the NARAPHIL Central Gym by Chief Engr. Zaldie Franco and Mike dela Cruz.

An arnis demonstration by the two senior intructors to the delight of the graduates. Showing their skills for them to emulate and aspire. May this graduate achieve more of what we have done for arnis and NARAPHIL.
Our Congratulations!!!
"Batch Maliksi 2006"
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