NARAPHIL joins the nation for Ramon Obusan
A tribute to National Artist
"Ramon A. Obusan"
(NARAPHIL Anthropology Consultant)
On behalf of the NARAPHIL officers and staff, we join the Filipino nation in prayers for the repose of his soul to our beloved National Artist - Ramon A. Obusan.
"Kuya Mon" as we fondly called him, has been with us long before NARAPHIL was conceived, as our cultural mentor, choreographer, part of our research team, comrade in arms, advocator of arnis promotion and numerous research projects on the aspect of arnis. He is the Official Anthropology Consultant of NARAPHIL and has rendered his services for free.
Being the pillars of the world renowned "Bayanihan Dance Company", he was one of the people responsible in giving opportunity for the PHILMAT's (NARAPHIL Cultural Arms) birth and opportunity to perform with other world class performers on the aspect of Arnis as a cultural presenters to the Filipino and foreign audiences.
"Burong Talo" was the most significant presentation ever done by a any cultural performers since it entails an expertise or skill in the use of bladed weapon. The PHILMAT had that talent and was suited for that tribal practice and presentation. Ever since his discovery of these young talents, he methodically guided them in performing more of the tribal war ritual dances which he was able to impart and imbibed in their cultural presentations. We owe it to him!
His values and strict guidance in the implementation of some cultural norms which NARAPHIL is being guided - we owe it to him! Such criticism he made was the use of ranks which he cautioned us not to offend any tribal honor, name, practices or presentations. That is why the organization was given four guidelines to follow in creating ranks in arnis in the future. Two of which came from him - 1. It should maintain the status of Filipinism; and 2. It should not offend tribal communities and practices.
He owns numerous researches and written books that are being used today as good references of cultural norms and practices. What more can we ask for a man of such stature who devoted his life in pursuit of preserving and compiling numerous materials - from unorthrodox cultural dances, costumes, unusual cultural practices and voluminous books he has written and most of all a museum collection of artifacts for the Filipino children to cherish and may have the chance to study about it.
"Kuya Mon" thanks for all your services and the guidance you taught us. Your memories will remain in our hearts forever. You could have been a true "Arnis Grandmaster" but you declined it because it's not your expertise but most of all you want to preserve the people to whom it deserves!
For us you are a TRUE Maharlikan!
May God bless you and we shall offer prayers on behalf of all the people you have helped!

NARAPHIL Anthropologist
I am honored, Kuya Mon, that you have been my mentor on my research project on the "Evolution of the Filipino Martial Art - Arnis de Mano". It has been a rare privilege and opportunity for having you a part of NARAPHIL, who have rendered your services for us free of charge. I ask no more of you but only thanks for all the things you've done for us!
May God bless you and you have always a place in our hearts. Your memories shall remain in each and everyone you have helped! You never see people in their stature but all of them are equal and always there to help them. We love you!
An Audience with the National Artist

Some members of the NARAPHIL PHILMAT having a pep talk with the National Artist and probably are too young to appreciate the rarity and opportunity of what they are having now but surely will cherish it later in their life.

As a disciplinarian, Kuya Mon always reminds them of the significance what is to be a martial artist and what they expect ahead and responsibilities that they shall carry on their shoulders as members of the PHILMAT. He never cease to remind them that we were the examples of those teachings and dreams he wanted for us to be - PROFESSIONALS!

These young turks of the PHILMAT will surely cherish your memories and will be honored that once you have been a part of their development!
Good bye to my mentor, my friend, my comrade in arms and most of all "Kuya Mon"! We all love you!
"Eternal rest grant unto to him Oh Lord!" And let perpetual light shine upon him!
"May he rest in Peace Oh Lord!" Amen!
NARAPHIL Officers and Staff
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