NARAPHIL sponsors PHILMAT Seminar/Workshop
The tradition continues .....
Today that tradition is what we are trying to bestow among the young Turks of the PHILMAT to continue and hope that they may pass them to the next generation with the same enthusiasm, dedication and commitment. They are the grassroots of NARAPHIL and future leaders of the institution if not leaders of their own community and businesses.
This program which was formally initiated by the NARAPHIL Corps on instructors and extended over to the PHILMAT 1st generation had a tremendous impact in their cohesiveness or camaraderie. It became a tradition to hold such various seminar/workshop not only trying to hone their arnis skills but also covering different topics related to their personality development, leadership potentials, community development and even martial arts diplomacy.
"Team Building" is the initial step in trying to determine each and every participants potential and where one my fit into the team to form a working and efficient group regardless of age, intelligence and social status. As the process progresses to the next level, a new challenge is brought unto them as more participants joining them and others may fall behind if they are not only able to meet the standard criteria for development set forth unto them.
Teaching by example
Col. Bong Del Camat and Cmdt. Jun Martinada are two examples of dedicated and committed instructors and both former members of the PHILMAT 1st generation but differ from the generation of instructors from where they came from. Bro. Jun belongs to the 3rd generation while Bro. Bong comes from the 5th generation of NARAPHIL instructors.
Both can be emulated for their own professional success in their own field. They will always acknowledge that the personality and integrity they have achieved from their position are but the products of what they have imbibed with their PHILMAT peers.
Junch Martinada providing him the assistance.
One may keep on wondering why such people of stature still give their family time for these young Turks without any compensation. The answer is ........................ because they believe in a noble cause, "Anything that is planted right is expected to have a good harvest, so anything that is taught just and right will always be carried on as a concrete tradition". Its just a legacy that they are trying to bestow so they have to do it right!
also learning and trying to reminisce the past.
Lucky for these participants to have such Mentor. Who knows in a few years time, they will probably say, it has been their privilege to have been mentored by General Bong Del Camat. Like us, it has been an honor and privileged to have been mentored by five NARAPHIL Arnis Grandmasters. A rare privilege that can never be duplicated.
So young Turks, take all those opportunities because they shall be the backbone of your confidence and spirit.
The vision
In order for a team to work and start achieving things, it must start from the very beginning, i.e. team work. That is the primary objective of this seminar/workshop. Making every member fit into the jig-saw puzzle (team) until each and everyone becomes the part of the whole picture of that puzzle. So each and every member has its own uniqueness and part of that puzzle otherwise it will never be completed.
As shown below, some members are planning, organizing, and preparing all the necessary materials in order to accomplish the challenge set forth unto them. Learn to visualize that dream and create it into a reality for things to succeed. Each member are learning to take responsibility and help in the building process of a strong and cohesive team. Now ready to take the next step of the challenge.
Instructors Rene Fernandez and Gudo Corpin
patiently teaches the younger participants on the
rudiments of arnis techniques.
"With Team building comes Teamwork
and Teamwork creates Unity"
By: Manong